Announcements - Randy Halprin

Randy Halprin
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending" C.S. Lewis
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Ivan Abner Cantu was executed by the State of Texas at 6.47pm, yesterday evening, 28th February. Ivan had an overwhelming innocence claim, and so much evidence to support that claim...But Texas refused to hear it, and an innocent man has been executed.

May  Ivan rest in peace with God's perpetual light shining upon him.

We also remember the victims, and their families and loved ones. Justice is never served with the use of the death penalty.

The Friends of Randy E. Halprin
Please continue to listen and share the podcast, Cousins By Blood, where Matt Duff unravelled the State's case against Ivan, and presented the true facts. Our sincere thanks go to Matt for all of his hard work and dedication.

Thank you!

The Friends of Randy E. Halprin

6th January, 2024

Happy New Year! I'd like to begin the New Year by spreading the word about an amazing organization/website where people can donate to help inmates and provide support for families. It's run by the wife of Field Minister Gary, and the website address is

I recommend checking that out, and if possible, please donate what you can.

Many thanks!

Randy E. Halprin

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of 17th July, 2023, TDCJ mail will be digital only. This means that if you write to Randy via snail mail, you now need to send your mail to the following address, as any snail mail received directly to the Polunsky Unit after the 17th, will be returned to sender:

Randy E. Halprin #999453
Polunsky Unit
P.O.Box 660400 Dallas
TX 75266-0400

Books and magazines can still be sent to the original Polunsky Unit, Livingston, address. The mail will then be scanned (including photographs) and uploaded onto the inmate's Securus account. Greetings cards may also be sent to this new address, and they will be scanned in the same way.

If you have any questions, please email us at

Thank you!

Update/Message from Randy 4th January, 2023

Please read my journal entry of 30th December, for accurate information on the latest issue in my case. I would remind all of my visitors that this website is where you will find 100% true and accurate information on my case. My advocate and friends make sure everything we post is FACT. I do not trust social media or non-legit news outlets, or groups, and information you read anywhere else but my website may not necessarily be correct.

UPDATE: 13th December, 2022

We are moving further towards a new and fair trial for Randy! Judge Mays has given her recommendation that Randy should receive a fair trial. We are still waiting on the CCA to give their ruling, and would like to point out at this time that Randy has not yet been given a new trial. We will only know this for certain when the CCA rules, and we ask everyone to please be respectful of that and report/post accurately. Thank you.

We would also like to thank our extremely diligent attorneys in their fight for Randy's life...You can read our attorney's Press Statement here

We are proud and delighted to annouce the publication of Randy's latest book, Falling Down, in paperback form on Amazon. This book is Randy's first Memoir charting his teenage years at Oneida Baptist School, and tells the story of his stumble and fall that first landed him in prison. A Kindle version will be uploaded presently.

Randy would like it to be known that any proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to charities that help kids, and we will intermittently post details here on our website.

The Friends of Randy E. Halprin

Randy and Catherine worked together on this Memoir for 4 years, and they are both very proud to see it in paperback form. In an excerpt from the Afterword, Randy writes,

"I've been working on this Memoir in one form or another for the last 18 years. My dearly departed friend, David, suggested I write about my life as a way of discovering new things about myself and as a form of therapy. It's had so many starts and stops, and been written in many different styles – from a sci-fi time travel story, to me sitting down with an imaginary therapist, and even in journal form! I never thought I'd settle on a way to tell my story until David's voice came from beyond somewhere, breaking through the fog of time, and telling me, "Just write your story."

So that's what I did..."

Thank you!

The Friends of Randy E. Halprin

Breaking news: We have moved closer towards Randy being granted a new and fair trial! Today, we learned that the State filed a writ agreeing that Randy did not have a fair and impartial trial, and recommending that a new trial be granted. Randy's legal team has confirmed this with ourselves.

We will update again as soon as we know more.

Thank you!

The Friends of Randy E. Halprin

We are delighted to annouce that we have published another collection of Randy's poetry, Nothing Beats As Loud As My Heart, in paperback and Kindle, which focuses on Randy's love poems.

You can read more of Randy's poetry here

Thank you!

The friends of Randy E. Halprin
We've recorded another voice message from Randy, and this  may be the last one before he returns to Polunsky...He has asked us to thank you all again for your messages of support, kindness, and prayers, and for taking the time to visit our website and learn about Randy, his life on death row, and his journey to hopefully receiving a new trial.

Please note that this recording was made on 2nd September, 2022, during Randy's current stay at Dallas County Jail. He made the call via his Jpay tablet, and we recorded it as he spoke.

Randy's hearing today in Dallas went well, and although we expected the hearing to be live streamed, it was not. Should live streaming become available at any time during the hearing, we will post a link here on our website. In the meantime, you can listen to Randy's latest voice message of 28th August.

Please note that this recording was made on 28th August, 2022, during Randy's current stay at Dallas County Jail. He made the call via his Jpay tablet, and we recorded it as he spoke.

Listen to Randy's latest audio message to our site visitors! Apologies for any poor sound quality.

Please note that this recording was made on 21st August, 2022, during Randy's current stay at Dallas County Jail. He made the call via his Jpay tablet, and we recorded it as he spoke.
Listen to Randy's audio message to our site visitors. Apologies for any poor sound quality.

Please note that this recording was made on 16th August, 2022, during Randy's current stay at Dallas County Jail. He made the call via his Jpay tablet, and we recorded it as he spoke.
Baptist Standard Article 10th August, 2022

Click on the link below to read Ken Camp's article about the Field Ministers on Polunsky Unit.

Thank you.

UPDATE 11th MAY, 2022: Today the CCA has moved on Randy's case.
Click here to read the Order.
We will keep you posted as soon as we know more, and please check back here for accurate information.
Thank you.
Contact us at

Baptist Standard Article 19th January, 2022

Click on the link below to read Marv Knox's article urging the Texas Courts to grant a new and fair trial for Randy.

Thank you!

Polunsky Unit Radio Station

Click on the link below to read about Polunsky Unit's very own Prison Radion Station! The station is run by general population inmates, and has been received very positively, with programming to suit all tastes.

The Unit allows for people on the outside to purchase and donate CDs of music and comedy, directly to the station, and purchased from a legitimate business, i.e. The items purchased must be addressed exactly as follows:

Chaplain Department/106.5 FM The Tank
C/O Chaplain Gay
Polunsky Unit
3872 FM 350 South
TX 77351

Thank you for any donations you can make!

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