Latest Journals - Randy Halprin

Randy Halprin
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending" C.S. Lewis
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August 31st, 2024

I wanted to start with this quote: "Humility leads to strength and not weakness. It is the highest form of self respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them" - John J. McCloy (I learned this in my Bridges To Life class)

Wow, this month really flew by. I don't even know what happened! Not that it was even an eventful month. I kind of fell into a little depression a couple of weeks ago getting caught up in the wait on the courts, but I'm past that now and Taffy gave me really good advice that I'm taking to heart...the ruling will come whenever it comes. I can't let the wait get me stuck in a rut and I just need to put my head into activities that will both pass my time usefully and keep me from worrying about things out of my control, and so that is what I'm trying to do. Of course I have my classes and that helps considerably.

We'll probably go on lock down for the fall shake down in the next couple of weeks so that will put things on hold, so if that happens I decided to start writing some bits and pieces for a couple of screen play ideas that have been stewing around in my head. One of them is an action comedy that I'm calling 99-1 and another, a horror called Goose Creek, loosely based on my time at boarding school in Kentucky. My original idea for that was a straight up monster movie, but I came up with a much better, smarter idea based around a ghost story we used to tell that supposedly happened at the school. I've also got a sort of sci fi idea inspired by a Cure song called Grinding Halt but that has been a little tricky working out in my head. I keep thinking of that movie, Night Of The Comet, and I want to pay homage to it but not rip it off.

This past week Kevin Rambsy of visited one of our classes and he came to my door and we talked for a good amount of time. He's quite remarkable and I'm really inspired by him and his walk in compassion and forgiveness. He asked if I'd be interested in helping develop some ideas and share my story with his platform and that really meant a lot to me. We talked a good bit about the idea of surrendering yourself and allowing G-d to be the driving force in a person's life which I've worked hard on. Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way when your own way isn't working. Surrendering is scary, because it means that you're allowing something outside of yourself to take the wheel. That's not always easy for a neurotic person like me, but I also know when I try to do things myself or bull doze my way through the universe, it often leads to a a bunch of problems. I am trying something different this time around.

I can't believe I'm turning 47 years old in two weeks. I can't even believe I'm still around to see 47 years of life! So strange. I'm grateful, obviously, but it does make me think about what my purpose is. Why I'm still here. I know I want to live a life in service to others and it would be the most amazing gift to have that opportunity. Kevin said it sounds like it could be my calling and I hope that it is. I hope I get that chance.

So, into another month we go and fall is almost here! The best season of them all. It's a holiday weekend here and they've got some new movies on this weekend. I'm most looking forward to watching A Quiet Place: Day One...I hope it's good!

Courage. Strength. Hope And Faith


August 18th, 2024

I hadn't intended on letting the month slip by without doing any writing but it has been a busy month, and when I woke up this morning and realised that the month only had two weeks left to it I was like, crap! I need to write something!

Time and a dash of anxiety are on my mind this morning because of a legal visit I had on Friday which made me think it is possible that a CCA ruling could come down any week now. The way one of my attorneys had explained it made a lot of practical sense, even if that court rarely acts practically, but basically the way he explained it was that because three seats will change in January to newly elected Judges (yes, the CCA is an elected position in Texas) it was unlikely the court would stall things out for them to come aboard because that would be even more time wasted as they reviewed the recommendation for a new trial. So, that brings my time frame between now and early December. My lawyer said we could probably whittle it down even more because the month of October and going into November had several executions scheduled and those last minute filings usually take precedence over other appeals before the court so they probably would want to address an almost two year old recommendation for a new trial before that. That puts us in a time frame between now and October at the earliest, December at the latest, and just thinking about the idea that a ruling could come down fills me with anxiety and nervous energy. This has been going on since October of 2019 and for a court that routinely complains about appeals taking too long, every single delay has been at THEIR hand. Not ours. I asked him if he thought they'd roll the dice in denying my appeal to see what this ultraconservative Supreme Court would do and he said anything is possible but unlikely just because of how strong the Supreme Court has been on religious freedom. It would be an embarrassment to the CCA to be slapped down for not doing the right thing. So, I'm being cautiously optimistic.

In the meantime I've been keeping busy in my classes, working on my music show that I do Friday nights and doing positive things. The inmate that runs the radio station, Ramy, aka Megamind asked me to tell people about the Polunsky FB page where people can see pictures and videos of many of the positive programs and events going on at the prison as well as things from the radio station, so check that out! If you write to prisoners in Texas encourage them to either ask for some of these programs on their unit or get involved in what is offered. These programs have the ability to transform lives! I dare a person not to cry watching the video of a guy here who hadn't hugged his parents in over a decade because he was always getting in trouble until he decided to do the new MBS ( Mind Body Soul ) curriculum which focuses on mental health and restoration of those someone hurts, spiritual health ( for whatever your faith is ) and physical health. Anyways, I suggest people go and check that out. We're hoping that one of these days The Tank will have permission to stream the station on the Polunsky page. That would be awesome.

So, tomorrow I have my Bridges To Life class which is pretty intense. We're on week 9 and the subject of repentance. In the opening page of the text book it says, "Repentance is more than a change of mind or feeling sorry for oneself..." I agree wholeheartedly. Each week we have to watch a video of a victim sharing their story and it can be really heart breaking. My only complaint of this class is I wish some of the others taking it would take it seriously. Some don't even pay attention and it shows in the open dialogue segment of our class where we are encouraged to comment on the subject or share our stories.

Hopefully I wont lose track of time again and I can do more journals!

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith.


July 13th, 2024

It's 7:21pm on a Saturday night ( should have started this at 10:15 ...haha) and I'm laying in bed listening to the movie IT on The Tank. I don't know why I like this movie so much but I really do. I think it's because it reminds me of being a kid in the '80s and I was definitely a member of the Loser Club. They play the audio to movies each evening at 6pm for guys that are visually impaired or don't have access to television. On our TV the Godfather trilogy is on and you'd think that being a student of film I'd like those movies, but I've always found them a bit 'meh'. They're not horrible, I've just never thought they were all that great. Now tomorrow I'll be watching movies most of the day. Especially the new movies Furiosa and Fancy Dance.

Well, it's been a long stressful week after we were hit by Hurricane Beryl (who names these things?) and we lost power for 3 1/2 days! Most of the weather predictions initially had Beryl hitting the coastal area then dumping a bunch of rain on most of south east Texas. Sunday we had some light rain as well as early Monday morning, and looking outside, it didn't look like it'd get much worse. As the morning progressed the rain picked up as did the wind and we lost power for about 5 minutes. It wasn't until after noon that things really got rocking and rolling and the wind became ferocious! I looked outside of my window to see the storm and could see the stadium perimeter lights swaying back and forth as well as a big tree that stands behind a building about thirty feet from my window. I've watched this tree grow over the years and was quite worried for the fella! At around 1:30 pm the power went out and we all hoped that it would come back on soon. I grabbed my tablet and while the WiFi was down I could still access my radio on it and all of the Livingston stations were out as well. I knew then that it was quite serious.

Tuesday was expected to have temperatures in the high 90s and with no working air we were going to be miserable. When Tuesday came I tried to catch news updates as best as I could being mindful of my battery. One of the Livingston radio stations were up and running off of generators and they said the damage in the town was extensive and power could be out anywhere from two days to two weeks because many of the substations were blown. The heat was miserable and the nights were filled with a lot of tossing and turning because I was drenched in sweat. It sucked so bad and I tried to make jokes about it saying things like, "I don't know how they did it in the old days...they were definitely made of tougher stuff!"

The sack meals were paltry as well. One lunch was two slices of cheese and four slices of bread! Tempers were starting to flare and we prayed the power would come back on soon. Wednesday after noon we lost complete access to everything on the tablet and I could no longer get news updates so at that point we were completely cut off from the outside which is not a good feeling at all. I had no way of knowing if the CCA had made a ruling as well which made me anxious.

Thursday started off miserable again and we did our best to get through the day when later that evening the power came back on and everyone shouted out cheers of relief. When that air conditioning came back on it was the best feeling in the world and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed, turn on the fan and sleep, and did I!

I've spent the last couple of days catching up on things, doing laundry and getting back into my normal routine. It's crazy even in this life here,the things we take for granted.

That's been pretty much the gist of it. Now it's time to chill for the evening until I'm tired.

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith.

June 30th, 2025

It's an early Sunday morning as I write this...the movie The Minions is blasting on the tv in the back ground and while I'm not really watching it because the tv is still messed up, listening to the gibberish of the minions does have me in a light mood all things considered.

It's been a rough couple of weeks....there was an execution, and then we went on lock down...all coupled with the heat. It's not that we don't have air conditioning or we're even suffering like the guys in General Population, but the air is a trickle and the walls get really hot so it does add to the already existing irritation of the environment. I think in recent weeks everyone has been a little on edge and irritated...even worried because they are setting numerous execution dates and there are guys that have exhausted appeals for years now and they are worried that there number is almost up. All it would take is Someone like the Attorney General's Office or even a really aggressive victims rights organization to start putting pressure on a place like Harris County which hasn't really been aggressive with dates, and that would be a wrap on so many men... Of course, many of us knew these days would come. Covid allowed for a lull and the bigger more liberal counties just don't have a stomach for it anymore, but it's easy to forget that no matter how liberal the DA is in these counties, it's still Texas and Texas is still a very pro death penalty state with a lunatic, blood thirsty Governor and Bat crap crazy Attorney General. It was only a matter of time.

The execution of Romero Gonzalez was a hard hit for many. I personally didn't know him all that well, but I can testify to his transformation and his dedication to his faith in the end. When he got here he was a really sheisty dude and screwed many people over. But over the years he went from being one of the least liked guys on death row to one of the most liked people by both inmates and guards. His walk in Christianity was sincere and I think if you read his last words it is proof of that. He spent years trying to make amends to those he hurt either in the free world or back here.

Then they hit us with a lock down and said they would start shaking death row down every 90 days again. We were under the impression that was over with but apparently not. It caught a lot of people off guard because usually when you expect it you can stock up on supplies that you need in advance. So, there are a lot of hungry guys! Our first sack meal was two itty bitty biscuits that I jokingly asked the guard 'are these biscuits or triscuits?', a half frozen small bean burrito and a spoon of peanut butter. Yummy! Fortunately, it's improved a little with hot trays since yesterday. Then, of course, there is the never ending wait on the CCA... it's gotta come one of these days, right? It's been almost two years to the day that I was back in Dallas for my hearings and you'd think as hell bent on attorneys not delaying things out for the courts, they'd not drag things out but I guess they have a 'do as we say, not as we do' kind of mindset.

Well, here's to going into July with some hope and positivity that good things will happen. In spite of difficult times, I do remain optimistic.

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith.


June 20th, 2024

I'm feeling a bit better today because there was finally recreation! It's been a week since I was last able to get out of the cell and for some reason it really irritated me and had me more agitated than it normally would. I mean, I'm always restless being trapped in an itty bitty cell twenty four hours out of the day, but of late.. it's really gotten to me. Probably because I'm also waiting on that court ruling and just stuck here. Yeah, I know. Boo hoo. I did it to myself. Believe me, I know.

Rec. was nice and I talked with some guys around me and walked around in circles for a bit to stretch my legs out. After that, I was able to go straight to the shower so it all feels like a reset of sorts.

Yesterday was the Juneteenth holiday and I watched movies all afternoon. We finally got a replacement television...And as excited as I was to see some of the newer movies, none of them were that good. I didn't expect much from Godzilla vs. Kong...haha...but I thought the Fall Guy and Boy Kills World might be worth checking out and they just weren't. In Fact, the Fall Guy was horrible and I wanted it to be good because there was a popular 80's tv show with a similar title that I always watched with my best friend, Chad, as kids. We loved the Fall Guy. The only thing in the movie that they kept from the tv show was the truck the main character drove. At least they kept it badass. After the movies were over I went to bed to do it all over again today! I'm going to watch Yellowstone 1923 tonight.

Yesterday there were lots of reports that this area of Texas was going to get pounded by a tropical storm and while it did rain, it wasn't all that bad in Livingston. In fact, it blew over really quickly and now today is hot, sticky and humid. The worst kind of Texas heat there is in these parts!

So,the big thing in death penalty news today was that there was a guy that used to be on Death Row a couple of decades ago. He had always said he was innocent and while the CCA commuted his sentence to life, they would never exonerate him and today the court finally acknowledged his innocence and cleared his name. It is sad that it has taken him decades of his life and just highlights the flaws in both the Criminal Court of Appeals and the Texas justice our great Governor always flouts as perfect. Here's the irony...the Governor granted clememcy to an actual racist murderer who killed a Black Lives Matter protestor a year after his convictions while another man who really was innocent had to fight for decades to prove his innocence. That is the state of things in Texas these days. In light, of the good news, though, it is scary that they seem to be setting more and more execution dates.

Oh good God! I just nearly crapped my pants! So, one of the things we do to keep the noise down on the TVs is to plug a head phone cord into it and then everyone runs a wire to tap into that and listen in their cells. Otherwise it is just a cacophony of noise and chaos as three TVs compete for sound. Well, we got a life coach to do it a few minutes ago and the tv screen blanked out and then went to just half of the screen! I yelled, "Stop! what are you doing? What hole did you put it in?" He said he didn't know and so I told him to unplug the tv and reset it, and meanwhile I was praying in my head, 'please G-d...don't let this dude have blown up the tv we just got it!' I literally started to shake with fear! Why? Because everyone would have held me responsible because it was my idea to ask him..Thank goodness when it reset everything was fine. Now we're all wondering what hole he plugged it into!

And that therein lies my crazy day!

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith.


June 17th, 2024

Today there has been a bit of excitement and chaos because B pod on death row was visited by a man named Kevin Rambsy and his family. Kevin runs a ministry called Fight To Forgive @ all about victim reconciliation His story is quite remarkable as he was stabbed 37 times and left to die after a home invasion. He learned to forgive his attacker, even visiting him in prison and has dedicated his life to reaching out to inmates so that they can find a path to forgiveness. I highly suggest people reaching out to his ministry and supporting it because it's his kind of work that leads to less recidivism in prisons and criminal justice reform.

After that I was a bit worn out and restless because we just don't get recreation anymore. We get one day of Rec. per week and almost never get outside - even on the days they have the officers to run it, like today when there were five officers working. It's very frustrating at times.

We don't have class this week because of the speaker today and Wednesday being a holiday and that usually keeps my mind occupied and not feeling anxious and restless. Well, at least there are some new movies on Wednesday. I can look forward to that. I watched a really good movie called Cherry last night.

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith.


June 14th, 2024

It's been a busy busy day...I'm completely tanked but have to make it to my music show at 9pm that I host host and curate on the Polunsky Unit radio station, The Tank. I'm on my 23rd week of hosting and I have to say that my song picks tonight are banging! I like to show the many different sub styles of Alternative music so I might go all chick bands one night, go indie another night, shoe gaze, grunge, new wave, industrial or post punk. Sometimes I just focus on a single artist. Its just cool to fulfil a dream of mine.

Well, the day started off early. Field Minister Gary showed up to set up everything for our Anger Management class graduation. After he had the equipment set up he stopped by my cell and we talked about how Texas was getting back into executions full swing and he said it was affecting him and I told him that he should take a day off after the next one to decompress and process everything. These guys are inmates having to deal with seeing inmate after inmate live on death watch and leave to be executed. When I was on death watch facing my own execution, I watched countless men leave and never come back. You cannot be human if that doesn't affect you. We don't have a grief counsellor to go to. We only have ourselves. He appreciated my advice and then a guest speaker showed up a little after 8am. I thought this guy would speak for a few minutes, congratulate us and go but he went on and on. It started out on topic...thanked us for our hard work, congratulations, etc and then he went on 2 1/2 hour tirade about homosexuality, drag queens, the education system, illegal immigrants and the destruction of America's moral fiber and I kept thinking, "My God....I didn't sign up to attend a Trump rally! What does this have to do with anger management class?" Actually, I think dude needs to take it himself! After being subjected to that we received our certificate and a church donated free world meals! We had fried chicken, Spanish rice and refried beans! They also provided meals for all of the Officer's as well,which was kind. I was stuffed! I did feel guilty not being able to share with the guys around me, but at least I was able to share pizza the other day.

After that Troop and Gary went to ask the Captain if they could set up a big screen tv in our day room for the weekend because we didn't have a tv. They came back and said she had said no and I was really annoyed and thought, what is the big deal?...Why are they giving us such grief over wanting to have our tv fixed and filing grievances? My mind was already plotting my next course of action in response when the maintenance lady came in to mount a brand new tv for us. So, that issue has fully been resolved and my section is happy to have a new tv that works properly. I even said, ' grievance paid off in the end!' and everyone told me to go sit down...haha.

Yesterday was a busy day as well with an all day attorney visit that went really well and I continue to feel positive about things, even if it takes forever. When I get frustrated at the wait I think, well...I wouldn't have completed these courses, done this or done that and racked up accomplishments etc. So, it goes back to the old adage that everything does happen for a reason.

I'm looking forward to watching some movies this weekend and relaxing a bit because I'm exhausted after these past couple of days!

Courage. Strength. Hope. and Faith.


June 12th, 2024

Today marks 21 years of my time here on Death Row. It was June 12, 2003 that a jury sentenced me to death and I can still remember every detail of that day from being whisked out of the court room, appeal papers shoved in my face to sign, court clothes removed, stripped searched, given a bright orange jumper, shackled and escorted quickly under machine gun and thrown into the back of a police cruiser, escorted by a swat team, and then the drive to Huntsville, Texas for processing, and turned over to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Processed in, head shaven clean by clippers, thrown into a white van and driven to Livingston, Texas to the Polunsky Unit.

The guards brought me to B pod 8 cell...the exact same cell I'm currently living in and I must say the day has been a flood of memories. Everything happened so quickly that day that I really didn't have a chance to process it all, and spent several days after in a state of disbelief. I was also surprised at how nice and welcoming the other death row prisoners were to me that it defied all of the scary movies and sensational portrayals of death row.

And here I still am. Alive. Defying the statistical odds of survival for someone on Texas Death Row. I can remember when I was told that I'd probably not live past 6-8 years. Crazy... Today was also CCA opinions day and it appears I'm waiting yet another week ( probably several more weeks because next Wednesday is a holiday) without a court decision on whether or not I'll be granted a new trial. I can't believe it is taking this long for a decision and then I think to myself, what's another week when I've waited 21 years. I'm alive, I've much to be grateful for in spite of everything and I'm getting an opportunity to take classes and prepare and better myself for what I hope is another chance at life. I can't complain about that. In fact, today I graduated my 9 month BSF class, received my certificate and the instructor gave the few of us that completed the course a pizza, pastry and bag of candy. That was a nice treat! I ended up sharing the pizza with my neighbors because it was too much for one person and it is such a rare treat I couldn't justify keeping it all for myself. I mean, when I first came here 21 years ago all of these strangers pitched in to give me commissary, writing supplies, toiletries etc.. Sharing pizza is a nice way to reflect on that. Friday, I graduate my anger management class. It'll be amazing to have two more certificates to add to my growing list of accomplishments over the years. I think I've earned the right to be proud of myself.

Tomorrow I have a legal visit so it'll be nice to get out and talk to my attorney. As the evening winds down I'll probably spend it watching some TED talks as I usually do each evening and there's an interesting looking documentary on the Pando app called Juneteenth : Faith and Freedom, which is about the history of the holiday. It looks really well produced so I'll watch that. Pando is primarily religious content but they have some interesting programs that I check out from time to time. I'm surprised at how progressive much of it is. There's some questionable stuff that certain viewpoints contribute, but most of it is kosher. That's it for today!

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith


June 11th, 2024

I'm back...sorry for the long hiatus. I just find it difficult to write about anything at all these days because it feels like I'm just repeating the same old thoughts and saying the same old things.

I suppose I could tell you about my tv exploits and how trying to get the section's television fixed has become a living nightmare of epic proportions and has now turned into a good vs. evil between my section and the lady over maintenance. I was going to let it go until she said, and I quote, "We need to stop whining because we should all be dead anyways." Long story short....I helped my section file a grievance to have the television reset because the image was compressed making it difficult for some guys to see. We didn't know they'd remove the tv and it would take up to six weeks to be reset! The section then got mad at me for helping them and so I tried to get us a replacement tv. The maintenance lady blocked that saying I should have never written a grievance and this is what we get. It then escalated after her comment about us dying took it to a whole other level. What's crazy is that they would waste time and resources to send a tv to Huntsville, Texas for something that only requires a remote control and reset code. It would probably be cheaper to replace the television! So, that's where this story begins and I hope to end it in victory! To be continued.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on the CCA to make its ruling on whether or not I'll receive a new trial. I've been doing my best to keep busy and I continue to take classes. I've just completed two classes - BSF ( Bible Study Fellowship) and an Anger management course. The BSF graduation is tomorrow when I will receive my certificate and Friday I will receive my Anger management certificate. Currently I'm taking two other classes, one which is a bit difficult because I fundamentally disagree with the instructor's viewpoint on his definition of being a man...The class is called “Authentic Manhood.” The other, which is both amazing and emotionally difficult, is Bridges For Life. It focuses on victims reconciliation, seeing how crime impacts everyone involved and then a possible pathway to forgiveness. We are expected to be fully engaged and to take this class seriously. We start every class with two videos from a victim's perspective and it can be hard on the soul to listen to but it's a must. This is a class that I really wanted to take. Even if I can't complete it, should I receive a new trial, I will complete it later because I feel it is a crucial class for me on my pathway to becoming a life coach.

In between all of this life has just been...the same ol' same ol'. I'm ready for a new chapter because I think it will give me both a new perspective and new experiences to write about. I dread a trial, but I'm in desperate need of new experiences. Being stuck in this limbo is really beginning to take its toll on me and it really does feel like the movie "Ground Hog Day" minus the Cher and Sonny Bono. But I'll get there...eventually. Actually, on Thursday I have a legal visit so maybe I'll get some good news!

Anyways, I'll do my best to write more frequently (Taffy is giving me swift kicks to get it in gear and I fear the swift kicks!)

Courage. Strength. Hope and Faith


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